Rapeseed oil is the main material for biodiesel production
- crude rapeseed oil - non-degummed oil, obtained by pressing and subsequent extraction by hexane
- refined rapeseed oil - (degummed / top degummed) devoid of free fatty acids and phosphorus using chemical or __physical method of refining
Sunflower oil is an alternative material for biodiesel production
- crude sunflower oil - non-degummed oil, obtained by pressing andsubsequent extraction by hexane
- degummed non-winterized sunflower oil - devoid of phosphorus and free fatty acids
- winterized sunflower oil - degummed sunflower oil, devoid of waxes by using winterization process.
Used cooking oil (UCO) - used edible vegetable oil, which is produced as kitchen waste in restaurants, catering establishments and households. It can be used as raw material for the production of waste-based biodiesel, known as UCOME.
Animal fats, category III - animal by-products or derived products. They can be used for the production of biodiesel , known as TME (Tallow Methyl Ester).
Corn oil - oil obtained by pressing and subsequent extraction of corn germs, or obtained by centrifuging of corn syrup from bioethanol production.